Land a steady stream of new clients every month using our proven organic "Client Attraction Content System"

Get our proven "Fit Pro Roadmap", DFY client-getting strategy, fill-in-the-blank marketing templates, and hands-on LIVE COACHING all at a fraction of the cost of an agency or mastermind.

Updated: Sept 14, 2024

Are you scrambling to keep your coaching business afloat?

You've probably figured out by now that what used to work…

Just ISN'T working anymore. 

I’m not saying it was “easy” before to get clients — but it certainly was a lot EASIER than it is today.

So if you’ve been gritting it out with the same strategies that you were using a few years ago… you’ve probably noticed that it’s a nonstop, uphill battle.

Well it’s not just you.


It’s like “all of a sudden” things just stopped working.
  • Facebook ads are WAY more expensive
  • The old funnels that used to work, just don’t work anymore
  • Prospects are taking a LOT longer to make a buying decision
And the competition out there for coaches? 

👉 It’s BRUTAL.

But this is actually GREAT NEWS… because the coaches who adapt & level up will WIN.

It’s forcing our industry as a whole to step up and get better.

Being an “average” coach won’t cut it anymore. Average content and average marketing won’t work, either.

You have to adapt to the “new way” to stand out in the market — the NEW way to message and position your offer — and the NEW way to sign up clients…

Or you’ll be stuck trying to squeeze the last few drops from a dried-up orange…

Even though there's a ripe, juicy one right next to it. 🍊

The even BETTER news? 

You don’t have to spend years learning how to become a “master marketer”, hire a pricey agency, or join a $10k mastermind to get up to speed. 

Hi, my name is Alicia Streger, growth coach for health & fitness pros and “Systems Queen”

I’ve built and sold a multiple 7-figure fitness business — but before that, I was a burnt-out personal trainer sleeping in my car between sessions and barely making ends meet.

Like most health and fitness professionals, I thought starting my own business would solve my biggest problems: time and money.

The reality? I quickly learned that being a great trainer didn’t equate to knowing how to run a business, and I was back on the road to burnout — until I discovered the systems I’m handing over to you inside The Content & Marketing Club.

Using Our Fit Pro Roadmap Inside The Club...

You’ll be able to laser-target your dream clients, position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche, dial in your RECURRING revenue, and scale your business without sacrificing your soul.

Just imagine if:

  • You had a foolproof organic marketing system in place, effortlessly bringing in leads and turning them into paying clients, allowing you to spend more time doing what you love (like coaching and transforming lives!)
  • ​You knew exactly what high-impact actions to take to grow your business, leveraging every minute of your workday for maximum success instead of wasting time on low-value tasks
  • ​You had unshakeable confidence in your offers and what sets you apart, knowing precisely how to communicate your unique value for faster, easier sales conversations
  • ​You had answers at your fingertips for everything, from growing a team and delegation to creating reels and closing sales in DMs, eliminating guesswork and saving you precious time
  • ​You never had to create content from scratch again, always having amazing, professional content ready to boost your visibility and grow your audience
  • ​You knew that every email newsletter or social media post you sent out was backed by a proven strategy, ensuring you actually close clients and avoid creating busy work for yourself
  • ​You had live coaching calls and support to get your questions answered and receive real-time feedback on your offers, team issues, messaging, and more, ensuring you're always on the right track

And that's just the beginning...


Here’s What To Expect From The Content & Marketing Club:

A Proven Growth Roadmap to Keep You Focused & Profitable

As soon as you join the Club, you'll get a step-by-step roadmap that zeroes in on high-impact actions to grow your business and set up a solid foundation. 

From dialing in your brand’s messaging to pinpointing your perfect ideal client, you’ll have a clear path to success without the overwhelm. 

Done-For-You Content & Marketing Templates to Close New Clients

Keep putting off posting or emailing your list? That ends now. Every month, we give you fresh fill-in-the-blank social media posts, reels, lead magnets, and email newsletters to attract, engage, and convert your ideal clients. 

Everything is 100% customizable in the free version of Canva and Google Docs — and you can get your entire month of content edited and scheduled in 3 hours or less! (We even give you a daily strategy of what to post and where so you never have to think about what to do next.)

Ongoing Coaching & Support to Keep Your Momentum 

Never feel stuck again! With LIVE coaching calls and real-time feedback, you’ll have the support you need to refine your offers, perfect your messaging, tweak your business model, review your sales funnels, and more. 

Plus, each month we go more in-depth on the trainings you’ll have access to in your membership dashboard to make sure you get the most out of the Club.

  More engagement and excitement about my coaching programs

“Just push the button and DO IT. The content is absolutely amazing. You could hire a whole marketing and design team to help you or you could subscribe to The Content Club and get everything you need at 1/24th the price.” - Renee M.

Take a Peek at What's Included:

Daily Done-For-You Social Media Posts

Keep your social media audience engaged and converting into paying clients — no more putting off content creation!

DFY Reels Scripts & Proven Frameworks

Skyrocket visibility and “reel in” your perfect clients by getting new eyes on your content and offers. Got you covered with training & tutorials, too!

Done-For-You Email Newsletters

Send out high-converting emails that your audience loves to open! Add massive value AND get your audience clicking on your offers.

DFY Lead Follow-Up Nurture Sequence

These emails immediately nurture new leads to build trust, show off your expertise, and invite them to work with you!

DFY High-Value Lead Magnets in Canva!

Stuck sending emails to the same people every month? Use these eBooks and checklists to grow your audience and keep your pipeline full!

Done-For-You Marketing Strategy

Ever wish someone would just tell you exactly what to post!? You're in luck—we give you a daily content & marketing strategy, and all you have to do is follow the instructions!

PLUS, access LIVE coaching, on-demand trainings, and TONS of bonus swipes and templates! 

Your On-Demand Trainings:

  • The "4-Step Social Selling" Framework to help you turn your social media and email list into a client-generating ecosystem that just keeps converting 
  • ​How to Run Facebook™ Lead Ads without fear and grow your audience faster for as little as $1-3/day
  • How to Craft High-Converting Call-to-Actions so your emails, social posts, and sales pages get the clicks and sales they deserve
  • ​​Leveraging Social Proof for More Clients by turning testimonials and success stories into your secret weapon
  • ​How to Run Facebook™ Ads to Funnels and create seamless, high-converting marketing funnels that work for you 24/7
  • 4 x Instagram™ Tutorials (Including Reels!) to master the platform, explode your reach, and boost visibility with engaging content
  • Minimum Effort Reels Workshop to whip up viral reels with minimal effort and maximum impact (you don’t even have to show your face for most of these!)
  • Creating Seamless Social Sales Funnels that transform your social interactions into a steady stream of sales
  • ​The "Why You" Brand Boost Workshop to help you stand out in a sea of other fitness and wellness pros 
  • Canva "Insider" Tips, Tricks, and Hacks to quickly and easily customize your done-for-you social media graphics and lead magnets you get in The Club
  • 10 Proven Ways to Leverage Lead Magnets to attract high-quality leads and make sure you never run out of potential clients
  • ​Tracking Social Media Insights & Metrics to decode your data and fine-tune your strategy for better results

Your Bonus Swipes & Templates:

  • Fast Cash Promo Pack with 8 different swipe-and-deploy email and social media campaigns to generate cash in 72 hours
  • ​20 Scroll-Stopping Hooks For Reels you can use to boost visibility and reach 
  • ​30 Sales Page Headline Templates to give your sales pages the best chance of converting and generating real revenue
  • ​Social Proof Swipes & Templates to take the friction out of asking for and showcasing testimonials 
  • ​20 Easy B-Roll Ideas For FB & IG Reels for when you want to post more reels without more effort 
  • Instagram Story Selling Scripts & Swipes to help you talk about your offers and stay top of mind DAILY so you can close more clients
  • 30 Fun & Uncommon Story Prompts to humanize your brand and let your audience get to know the real YOU (this is how you stand out and make REAL connections with the right people!)

"But will this work for ME?"

The Content Club is perfect for:

  • Personal Trainers
  • Nutritionists
  • Gym/fitness center owners
  • ​Holistic health coaches
  • ​Chiropractors
  • Yoga or pilates instructors
  • ​Sports & conditioning coaches
  • ​Massage therapists
  • ​Physical therapists
  • ​Wellness coaches
  • Resilience
  • Mindfulness
  • Core strength
  • ​Meal prep
  • ​Perfect portions
  • ​Holiday fitness & nutrition
  • ​Breathing techniques
  • ​Dining out hacks
  • ​Healthy Snacks
  • ​Mobility
…and other health & fitness pros who want to leverage their time to work ON their business instead of IN their business!

 More time freedom, more engagement and more profits!

“The amount of tools, resources, and support Alicia and her team provide is second to none! Online marketing is not a strength of mine and with these done for you tools, I feel like I have a professional level presence online. And the best part is, I didn't have to invest the brain power or time to create it all. The materials are gorgeous & customizable to fit your brand.” - Jen B.

The Club is the #1 Membership for Fitness & Health Pros because…

#1. The content + strategies we give you are tried, true, and tested.

One thing about us? We’re OBSESSED with results. 

Your Fit Pro Roadmap inside the Club is based on the same steps I took to grow and scale my own fitness business, and what I gave my clients who were paying me $20k+ inside my 1:1 and group coaching programs. 

Plus, we take a “boots on the ground” approach to creating your done-for-you content — if a strategy doesn’t work when we test it, it doesn’t end up in your content pack!

#2. Everything is created BY health and fit pros, FOR health and fit pros.

Ever seen or bought generic white label or “PLR content” that would take you HOURS to edit? 

— and the done-for-you content in your monthly content pack reflects that. 

Everything is science-backed, includes sources, and isn’t run-of-the-mill “tips and tricks” anyone could easily Google. 

#3. It’s NOT just templates!

This is the secret sauce! 🔥🔥🔥

We know that handing you a pack of templates and leaving you on your own to “figure it out” is the OPPOSITE of what you need.

Instead, we hold a live monthly coaching call, are available daily for support via email, and we’re constantly asking for your feedback to see what trainings you need and how things are going.

This is truly like being part of a mastermind without the hefty price tag — except it’s even BETTER than a mastermind because you get the tools to actually DO the work! 

See why health and fitness coaches are scaling faster than ever with Content & Marketing Club…


Are you ready to land a steady stream of new clients with the same content marketing roadmap that’s helped over 5,000 other coaches scale?

Imagine for a sec that instead of hustling just to keep your head above water in your coaching business, you actually started getting ahead…

And instead of crossing your fingers and hoping you land another client next month?

Imagine having a steady stream of leads effortlessly turning into paying clients from your social media posts, email newsletters, and sales conversations.

Even better… Picture having ALL the marketing tools, done-for-you content, and expert guidance you need at your fingertips, allowing you to focus on what you love — coaching and transforming lives!

That’s exactly what you get when you decide to join The Content & Marketing Club…

And you can try 14 days risk-free with UNLIMITED access!

The Content & Marketing Club is for you if:

  • You’re done struggling solo in your health or fitness business. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you’re ready to use a system that WORKS so you can attract clients, boost your revenue, and start feeling like the expert you are. 
  • You want to know that the work you’re putting into your content and marketing is actually going to pay off. You know your time is valuable and every piece of content should be a magnet for new clients, not just a shot in the dark.
  • You want to feel like the CEO in your business. You didn’t decide to become a coach so you could create another soul-sucking job for yourself. You’re ready to steer the ship instead of constantly putting out fires and handling every little detail yourself.
  • You want the support of a coach and community, but you also want to get sh*t done. Don’t get me wrong — I love coaching and I love masterminds! BUT, when you’re at a critical stage of growth, you need to use your resources wisely. The Club gives you both the coaching you need AND the tools to implement ASAP. 
  • You’re willing to DO THE WORK. None of this is magic! Our members who get the best results treat the Club like a non-negotiable in their schedule. They go through the Roadmap, they make time to edit and post their content, they show up to coaching calls, and they reach out when they need help. And it WORKS! 

This is NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for an overnight fix. Content, marketing, and business growth all take time. Yes, we give you “Fast Cash” campaigns to generate immediate revenue — but if your brand isn’t dialed in, you don’t know your ideal client, or your offers aren’t working yet, you’ll need to do those things first with our Roadmap! 
  • You’re not willing to adapt. Again, things are changing — and FAST. Reels outperform static posts. Email marketing is critical. Having a small budget for ads (like $5/day) will help you grow quickly. If you’re not willing to get out of your comfort zone to try these strategies, this probably isn’t for you! 
  • You’d rather keep trying to piece this together on your own for free. Free info can get you pretty far, but it won’t get you far enough anymore. Most free masterclasses and resources are just “skim-off-the-top” info you probably already know, and usually just lead to a course that only gives you ONE piece of the puzzle. You get what you pay for! 

Here’s a recap of everything you get inside The Content & Marketing Club every month:

  • A NEW Rebrandable Lead Magnet to help you GROW your audience fast. Easily customize them to fit your niche (past months have been 20 Fast & Easy Meal Prep Recipes, Core Strong Workouts, and The Mindful Breathing Guide). ($397 value)
  • Fresh Done-for-You Emails designed to establish trust and help you build a REAL relationship with your list. They are built to educate, inspire, and CONVERT your subscribers into paying clients. ($197 value)
  • Engaging Social Media Content to help you stand out from the crowd on your Instagram and Facebook Fan Page. Rebrand the Canva templates or any of the text in a matter of minutes. ($197 value)
  • ​Prompts for FB & IG Reels to help you with exactly what to say and how to say it so you can easily batch your reels for the month and seriously expand your reach ($97 value)
  • Nurture Sequences to thoughtfully guide your new prospects to take action and be more forward with their goals (AKA: raise their hand to become a client!) ($197 value)
  • Calendar & Planning Templates with ideas on how to use your content and when to use it to maximize your reach and revenue. ($97 value)
  • ​12 x On-Demand Marketing Trainings to help you navigate marketing and social media like a pro — even if you’re a complete beginner! Learn everything from how to set up and run ads (if you want to!) to how to create high-engagement reels, leverage social proof, understand your metrics, and more. ($997 value)
  • ​LIVE Office Hours with our team so you can get your specific questions answered — which means more taking action, less sweating the details, and a whole lot of confidence! ($997 value)

That’s $3,176 total value for $97

Just $27 for your first month!

Still weighing all your options? 

There’s truly nothing else like this for health & fitness pros…

Here's what happens after you join:

You’ll get immediate access to your member dashboard. We’ll send you your login and password so you can get started ASAP! 

You’ll go through our proven Marketing Roadmap. This gives you a clear, step-by-step process to dial in your brand, offers, social media profiles, and messaging right away to set you up for success.

Start editing and scheduling your client-generating content! Again, everything is 100% customizable in the free version of Canva and Google docs, which means you can easily get an entire month of content edited and scheduled in 3 hours or less!

Let's get your questions answered...

 What if the content isn't a good fit for my market?
All of the content has been thoroughly researched and carefully crafted for your fitness or wellness business. We’re so sure you're going to love it and stick around... and that's why we have a ROCK SOLID guarantee on The Content Club for both our monthly and annual memberships!

If for any reason it's not a great fit, we've got a full money-back guarantee within the first 14 days.
How does the monthly subscription work? 
When you join The Content & Marketing, you'll be charged every month on the same date you made your initial purchase. Example: if you purchased on the 7th of the month, all following payments will come out on the 7th of each month until you cancel. As soon as you join, you’ll get instant access to our private membership site so you can download your monthly done-for-you content. 
What is your cancellation policy?  
Easy! Simply cancel your membership anytime with a 14-day notice. Just use the form provided inside the membership site on the FAQ page. It's a simple and easy cancellation!
Will putting out consistent content improve the effectiveness of my paid ads?
ABSOLUTELY! When you put out consistent, valuable content, your PAID marketing will become WAY MORE EFFECTIVE. The market is watered down with businesses who are throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. We see it EVERY day, and this strategy isn't working nearly as well as it used to.

HOWEVER.... this all changes when you're putting out great content! When people KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST YOU.... and THEN they see your ad.... they will be a heck of a lot more likely to take action. Therefore, if you're regularly putting out great content, you should start to see a HUGE improvement in your conversions and your cost per lead!
Will I need any other tech to be able to use the content? 
We do recommend having an email-marketing platform. This way you can schedule your emails to send automatically, rather than send them manually. Once you’re inside Content & Marketing Club, you can get special, discounted access to Alicia’s preferred all-in-one marketing platform if you just want to keep everything in one place! 
Copyright © 2024 | Fit Pro Essentials, INC